JUMO Slovensko s.r.o.
Púchovská 8
SK-831 06 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Phone: +421 2 44871676
Fax: +421 2 44649102
E-Mail: info.sk@jumo.net
Entry in the commercial register:
Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section Sro, Insert No.: 26845/B
IČO: 35838922, DIČ: 2020238671, IČ DPH: SK2020238671
Bank connection:
UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s.
SKK account: account number: 1310514001/1111
IBAN: SK7311110000001310514001
EUR account: account number 1310514028/1111
IBAN: SK2311110000001310514028, SWIFT code UNCRSKBX