JUMO Slovensko s.r.o.
Púchovská 8
831 06 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
Telefon: +421 2 44871676
Telefax: +421 2 44871676
E-Mail: info.sk@jumo.net
Internet: http://www.jumo.sk
Ing. Peter Manca
Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section Sro, Insert 26845/B
ID NO: 35838922
UniCredit Bank Slovakia a.s.
Account in SKK: 1310514001/1111
IBAN: SK73 1111 0000 0013 1051 4001, BIC: UNCRSKBX
Account in EUR: 1310514028/1111
IBAN: SK23 1111 0000 0013 1051 4028, BIC: UNCRSKBX
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die firma . experience design, Wiesbaden